Aerophone Editor

iOS App

Aerophone Editor


Aerophone Editor是一款提供Aerophone AE-10使用的免費的iOS app,可讓您調整音色、設定各種演奏參數、以及編排音色表。您可以使用app獨有的參數深入自訂聲音以及功能,並可輕鬆製作音色表提供不同的演奏與練習場合使用。透過方便的介面,您可以疊加四種音色、進行各種控制器的設置、效果器設定等等。想要將Aerophone AE-10依您個人的演奏風格量身打造,Aerophone Editor就是您必備的工具。


If you have questions about operating your Roland product, please check our Knowledge Base for answers to the most common questions.
You can also contact our Product Support department by phone or email.
In addition, we have a library of Owner’s Manuals and Support Documents that you can download and reference.