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- 多用途的多功能夾具
- 可用於將電子鼓音源機,或是例如將鈸支臂或中鼓支架等硬體裝設於標準鼓架上
- 可深縮調節以縮短或加長夾具
V-Drums Acoustic Design套鼓使用與一般傳統鼓相同的鼓架。V-Drums音源通常安裝在套鼓的hi-hat架或鈸架上,而APC-10是搭配使用的多功能夾具。伸縮式活動可為音源提供適當的定位,同時充足的螺紋長度可容許夾具固定於最粗管徑的鼓架硬體上。
If you have questions about operating your Roland product, please check our Knowledge Base for answers to the most common questions.
You can also contact our Product Support department by phone or email.
In addition, we have a library of Owner’s Manuals and Support Documents that you can download and reference.