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- 先進的12 吋crash 鈸打擊板,比前代厚度更薄
- 自然外觀和演奏感,具有更改良的打擊感和晃動動作
- 逼真鼓棒敲擊反應,更容易演奏出漸強鈸聲和 ride
- 支援握捏鈸邊表現抓鈸悶音
- 相容於所有 V-Drums 音源機
CY-12C-T V-Cymbal 比前幾代產品顯著更薄,提供生動且富有演奏表現力的演奏體驗,具有更均勻的反應,改進了鼓棒敲擊手感,以及更自然的晃動動作。CY-12C-T 優雅的紋理設計,在舞台上呈現出真實的傳統鈸視覺感。兩個拾音感應器在鈸面和鈸邊分別提供獨立的聲音,只需握住鈸邊就能悶音—就像真實傳統鈸一樣。
If you have questions about operating your Roland product, please check our Knowledge Base for answers to the most common questions.
You can also contact our Product Support department by phone or email.
In addition, we have a library of Owner’s Manuals and Support Documents that you can download and reference.