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V-Drums Quiet Design 是家用電子鼓演奏的革命性突破,提供電子套鼓史上最低的演奏噪音。經過 Roland 數十年的測試和開發而誕生,在 V-Drums Quiet Design 的打擊板、鼓架和踏板底座的共同效力,在不犧牲手感和回饋反應的情況下,控制居家演奏的聲音和振動傳遞。與已經是業界最安靜的傳統 V-Drums 套鼓相比,噪音更降低了驚人的 75%。
PDQ-8 tom 打擊板配備吸音蜂巢橡膠墊片,並覆蓋網面外罩。演奏面底部精心設計的通風孔可釋放氣壓,進一步降低噪音。儘管具有所有這些先進的降噪功能,演奏性仍然出色,並且具有來自頂級 V-Drums 打擊板令人期望的出色鼓棒打感和自然的反彈。
If you have questions about operating your Roland product, please check our Knowledge Base for answers to the most common questions.
You can also contact our Product Support department by phone or email.
In addition, we have a library of Owner’s Manuals and Support Documents that you can download and reference.