V71 Editor


V71 Editor

V71 鼓音源機的圖形編輯器/音色管理軟體

V71 Editor 適用於 macOS 和 Windows 作業系統,擴展您使用 V71 鼓音源器的編輯工作流程。這款編輯器可與音源機的內建 V-Edit 工具無縫接軌,您的所有變更,都會立即反應在硬體和軟體中。強大的 librarian 音色庫藏功能,可讓您管理鼓組、組織使用者取樣,並為不同的演出曲目建立自訂設定清單。


If you have questions about operating your Roland product, please check our Knowledge Base for answers to the most common questions.
You can also contact our Product Support department by phone or email.
In addition, we have a library of Owner’s Manuals and Support Documents that you can download and reference.
