
SYSTEM-1 Sound Bank Volume 3

AIRA SYSTEM-1 Sound Bank Volume 3
AIRA SYSTEM-1 Sound Bank Volume 3 includes 8 new sounds including bass, stabs, arps and leads. Use the Filter and ADSR controls to customize the sounds to your taste. Customize the arps using Scatter and Arpeggio controls.

SYSTEM-1 Sound Bank 3 can be used with SYSTEM-1 at version 1.10 or higher.
For information on how to check the version information and update the system, refer to the SYSTEM-1 System Update.

This can be used with SYSTEM-1 by using the Restore function in "Data Backup/Restore."
For more information on the Restore function, refer to "SYSTEM-1 Version 1.20 Operation Guide" in the [ Owner's Manual ] ( SYSTEM-1_v120_guide_e01_W.pdf ).


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