UM-1G Driver Ver.1.0.0 for Windows 10
This contains information on the UM-1G driver compatible with Microsoft Windows 10.
UM-1G USB Driver Windows 8/8.1 v1.0.1
IMPORTANT NOTICE: When the Windows SmartScreen is displayed upon installing the driver, please perform the following procedure:
1. Click [ More info ]
2. Click [ Run anyway ]
* Skip Step 1 If your PC is not connected to the internet. -
UM-1G USB Driver Windows 7 64-bit v1.00
UM-1G USB Driver Windows 7 32-bit v1.00
UM-1G USB Driver Windows Vista 64-bit v1.02
UM-1G USB Driver Windows Vista 32-bit v1.02
UM-1G USB Driver Windows XP v1.02
UM-1G Driver Version 1.0.0 for Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9)
UM-1G USB Driver Mac OS 10.8 v 1.00
UM-1G USB Driver Mac OS 10.6 v 1.00
UM-1G USB Driver Mac OS 10.5 and Earlier v1.02